This art camp I'm at this week is quite unique it's for youth 8-14 involving visual arts: painting, collage, photography and sculpture this week and dance, drumming, and performance arts next weeks. Were (
other Minnesota artist and I ) are here at Camp Bovey, and so far this experience is stellar, I can't imaging what a young person would think of this opportunity but it's rare to have these type of chances to work with professional artist and have a blast all in one at camp. This experience is great working with four other artist who are fabulous in their own right. Monday my students walked around the woods discovering sticks and rocks that we painted and did collage over. These objects will be placed back in the woods creating creative spaces and cool objects for viewers to discover stripped sticks and or polka dotted rocks, etc. this is exciting in itself.Xavier Davis
Xavier or he goes by Xa (Xa) did some wonderful paintings at camp, the last image is a collective effort by he and David, his best friend, who's portrait is show above in yellow.
By Thursday evening my class and the developed a glery showing of all the creating project too on in their classes that were offered.
Jasmine Jackson
Jasmine dis these wonderful abstract paintings at camp that were layered with texture and sweet complementary dept.
Portraits, discoverable objects, mini trading cards, with characters that students created. Young art is so refreshing to see and inspiring it unfiltered until your teaching principles of art and art making, what a delight.Daria Jackson
Little Daria was impressive for a second grader. This is her portrait she drew and painted. She also did an amazing abstract painting as well as her sister.
As I spoke with these boys in their class and taught them about jean michel basquiat, and the work he did they gave me rendition of what they had been taught. The image portrays the two of them with one arm around the other, they title it " a good day".
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