Wednesday, April 29, 2009

small studies

Being around Christopher Harrison all the time I can't help but to be inspired by his dedication and consistency in doing ...... at, design, painting, etc, etc, etc.  I started this series of small painting studies today and finished to small 2"X 4" paintings small but they are studies.  I'm starting with the portrait and this will evolve into the study of the hands. Thanks Christopher, you inspire me.

1 comment:

Sonji Hunt said...

Hi, Chris. Glad to see you back on line and working. I agree with you in that sometimes it seems like we need a push, an inspiration, to keep working and to work consistently. I remember one of my profs telling us that in beginning painting, that even if for whatever reason you don't feel like working...blocked, emotional, etc., that you still had to do something, whether it was stretching canvases and prepping your materials for an upcoming flood of inspiration or just painting various grounds. Never let your mind and hand be still. It leads to apathy and self-pity. It took me YEARS to be able to do that. To just keep working regardless of all the factors that bid us to not.